Current Patents

Dr. Ross holds one US Patent and one US Patent Pending. The electrode required to support these devices is in development. An initial prototype electrode is the basis of the qEEG printout below and published papers by Dr. Ross.

This Patent is for a system that captures the brain waves emitted through the eye, using an electrode that makes no physical contact with the body.

The system could be used in medicine, security systems, games, and other applications.

The sample EEG printout shows the brainwaves from a standard 20-lead qEEG. There are 20 scalp electrodes in standard positions: Fp1 and Fp2 at the top are two locations on the forehead. POz is an electrode positioned inside EM-insulated goggles just in front of the eye. Fpz is a control electrode suspended in space in front of the goggles.

The wave form of the eye electrode (POz) looks very similar to the two forehead leads. The two large V-shaped waves just before 7 minutes 35 seconds and 40 seconds in Fp1, Fp2 and POz are eye-blink artifact. The eye blink is absent in the control electrode, Fpz.

Fpz shows only background noise plus the heart beat registered by the reference electrodes attached to the ears. Both the heart signal and the background noise are absent from the eye electrode.

This EEG tracing proves that a physiologically active EM signal emerges from the eye and can be detected by an electrode that makes no physical contact with the body.

Ross Energy Systems is working on developing a durable, practical electrode that can be used in medicine and other fields.

This Patent Pending was for a Whole Body EM Scanner. It included several configurations: one that scans the entire body with the person lying down; one that scans the chest and abdomen with the person sitting up; and a smaller hand-held version that can scan any part of the body.

The configurations also include: a helmet that can take a standard EEG without any need for contact electrodes or paste; and a system that can take a standard EKG without any need for contact electrodes.

The Whole Body EM Scanner could be set for a digital readout, standard EEG or EKG output or a real time video output with the energy field displayed as different colors and intensities depending on amplitude and frequency.

The US Patent Application for a Whole Body Electromagnetic Detection System was not approved because the patent reviewer ruled that the device was anticipated by Harland, Clark and Prance (2002). These authors mention briefly in their paper that an array of electrodes could be used to measure the electrical field of the body, which is the basis for the reviewer's rejection of the application. Although this is disappointing, it also should mean that no one else can obtain a US Patent for such a device, and therefore there is no risk of a patent infringement as Ross Energy Systems develops the technology.

Harland, C.J., Clark, T.D. & Prance, R.J. (2002). Electric Potential Probes - New Directions in the Remote Sensing of the Human Body. Measurement Science and Technology, 13, 163-169.